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I-Spy Game

Playing "I Spy" is a classic game that can make car journeys more enjoyable and engaging.

I spy something begining with ...Here are step-by-step instructions on how to play. By following these steps, you can play "I Spy" and keep everyone entertained during your travels in the car.

  1. Choose a Player: Decide who will be the first "spy" to select an object.
  2. Start the Game: The spy begins by saying, "I spy with my little eye, something (insert a color, shape, or general description of the chosen object)." For example, "I spy with my little eye, something red."
  3. Guessing the Object: The other players then take turns guessing what the spy has spotted. They can ask questions to gather clues, such as "Is it inside the car?" or "Is it something natural?" The spy can only answer with "yes" or "no."
  4. Guessing Correctly: If a player correctly guesses the object, they become the next spy and choose a new object to spy on.
  5. Continuing the Game: The game continues with each player taking turns being the spy and selecting new objects to spy on.
  6. Setting Rules: To make the game more challenging or interesting, you can set rules such as limiting the types of objects that can be chosen (e.g., only objects outside the car) or adding a time limit for guessing.
  7. Enjoy the Game: Remember that the goal of "I Spy" is to have fun and pass the time during the car journey. Enjoy the opportunity to bond with your fellow passengers and appreciate the scenery along the way!


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