South Australia, Australia

Ceduna is in South Australia, located on the main route between the eastern states and Western Australia. It is a long way form anywhere: the nearest significant town west Norseman (1200 kilometers away), and to the East is Port Augusta (480 kilometers).

Top Places to See and Things to Do

  1. relax after a long day's drive with a walk along the Ceduna jetty.
  2. go fishing - the local specialty is King George Whiting
  3. refuel your car as prices will be dearer in places away from here.
  4. eat some of the local oysters
  5. have a picnic on the grassy foreshore. If you are travelling west you may need to eat your fresh fruit and vegetables before you cross into WA
  6. The Old School House National Trust Museum
  7. Bill's Seafood Tour
  8. Cedune Aboriginal Arts and Culture Centre
  9. Encounter Coastal Trail - a 4km walk

Foreshore at Ceduna Foreshore at Ceduna

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